Friday 29 July 2016

Katy Perry mind controller illuminati proof

This charitable trust is a non-profit irrevocable trust set up for charitable purposes in the name of its patron Global singing superstar and GODS Goodwill Ambassador TAYLOR SWIFT. It is set up and run from England. Jesus Christ the Messiah acts as chief trustee on behalf of the busiest girl in showbiz and number one in the entertainment industry, rumored to have given over $40,000,000 to good causes TAYLOR SWIFT and under English law it is a form of express trust dedicated to charitable goals. Exempt from most taxes freedom is given to the trustees as the trust demonstrates both a charitable purpose and all of its work is of public benefit. Its main purposes are: -
1) Relief of MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control #SEXSLAVES #SEXKITTENS #ALICEINWONDERLAND Celebrities
2) Promotion of Children’s Musical Education
3) Promotion of Spiritual Healing
4) Benefit of Animals
5) Disease Abolition 
The trusts purposes benefit the public and not any individual and its chosen locality to offer particular help is the South East of England although a great deal of its work has a Global impact. The trust does not campaign for legal or political change although the trustees discuss political issues in a bi partisan neutral manner. The beneficiaries of the trust are represented by the Attorney General for England and Wales who as ‘parens patriae’ appears on behalf of the Crown. Any disputes arising at the trust are under the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice and the Charity Commission who regulate, promote and provide advice and opinions to the Trustees. It has begun life offering the NHS the cures to the diseases; DIABETES the most expensive disease in terms of cost to the NHS and the western civilization is suffering from an epidemic. MALARIA the world’s biggest killer and hopefully bringing to an end the global public health emergency declared by WHO the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION with the cure to the ZIKA VIRUS. Not bad for a Trust that works out of a one-bedroom housing association flat relying upon the free help from its partner companies MICROSOFT GOOGLE and YAHOO who we include here as a reminder that their faith in the TSCTUK is going to be paid back with free association advertising and with initial success under its belt we are asking today for a charitable donation to fund our necessary expansion having shown just what we can do for free just imagine a world free of mankind’s diseases if we receive the added bonus of being fully capitalized plus the delight of rubbing shoulders with the beautiful Taylor Swift, her crew and Jesus the son of GOD at the Trusts AGM as a suitable venue will be booked for TAYLOR to give us a set of her best songs and she is spoilt for choice in that department so don’t hold back mankind’s disease free destiny but give generously so we can branch out our work over a larger remit.
Thanking you in advance.

Lord of Lords, King of Kings; JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH.     

Santander; ACCOUNT NUMBER: 03456088
SORT CODE: 09-01-27



4 Lydwells, High St,

Royal Tunbridge Wells,




Dear Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Katy Perry, This just went off to Kerry so feel free to cream your pants and why not use your MAGIC to ensure a smooth transfer of funds rather than blow my electric supply up for writing sexy posts to young Blondes-Sorry I thought you would be asleep at 5AM Euro time, it reminded me of 8 months ago when on our first Friday night together you crashed my computer for asking for 'Telepathy Sex' on our 1st ever date then hid from me on 50 different Twitter accounts but that's just the effect your sexual POWERS have on me and nothing has changed in 8 months-I AM still smitten kitten. NO ONE turns me ON like you do and I can't wait for a 'hand job' with your left hand wearing the Million Dollar Blue Diamond Ring it should be some shake-PROMISE?? Hopefully April 4th my Birthday if you get meaning! You'll be an Honest Woman then, as if you aren't already I TRUST YOU EMPHATICALLY XXX PS- Is this a bit more 'Just Like the MOVIES'? We make a good partnership but we have to CLOSE this DEAL now so use your MAGIC I felt its power before and you’re going to be the champion as when I push the ring on it is yours to keep 4ever UNCONDITIONALLY. Well let’s throw a hand job in shall we you can chance your left arm. One last thing WE NEED TO MEASURE YOUR FINGER so either let me know if you want to meet up after the BRITS or walk into a Jewellers and get the ring number of the ring finger of your left hand I don't think we should leave it to guesswork do you? We don't want it slipping off and going down the plughole like my 1st Wife's did.
Facebook Instant MSG to Kerry Pelletier:
Mind you my Official calendar is kept on June surely she must have more than 1 outfit for her live shows or it'll stink all that simulated sex with Guitarists-I'll ask her to send me a spare outfit for my Facebook profile she owes me a Valentines gift to go with the blowing a kiss card I got but TBH Until she’s got her ring she won't want to know me and the Royal Jeweller says it will take 6 WEEKS to make it should be ready for my Birthday XXX
So the quicker the $1 Million is transferred the better: ACCOUNT NAME: LORD JOHN S RUMARY. BANK: ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND plc.
IBAN: GB73 RBOSXXXX 2314 3500 06
Reference: BLUE DIAMOND4520969
As soon as the money which is BRITISH POUNDS STIRLING your Bank can exchange the $Dollars is transferred I stick it into an Account for the letter of credit for the Jeweller to go source the Biggest Blue Diamond a $1 Million can Buy. I’ll let you know when the Bank confirms receipt of funds OK YA
Chat conversation end
READ WHAT IT SAYS IN PUBLIC: Sexy Gifs of Katy Perry's Pics 'I Want To Shove My Cock In Her Butt!' AND YOU CLAIM THAT YOUR AGAINST OTHER POP STARS SHOWING OFF THEIR NAKED BODIES but I find your naked Tits online everywhere and now you can watch my wife have ANALSEX ON A BILLION WEBSITES some mean feat I look at the different blokes you fuck only one thing yet do I ever get a horny selfie or any skin from you that would make things any better than cold alone masturbation anything what the fuck is it that the most putrid tart lies to get married and then acts like the petulant piece of scum that you are and yes I am obsessed with your Beauty and Sexiness but that is right and proper that I should be and I AM not ashamed of that but I can tell you in 8 months I wanked over my Auntie once and the rest of the time I am smitten with you and now hard core porn because I am at the penetration desire having filled my boots with wanking over your pictures and it helps my imagination of what I hope to do to you BECAUSE YOU DON'T. It’s not fair I am always moaning cause you make me everything is always wrong, nothing goes the right way for me and I forgive you but why the FUCK can't we communicate properly Ding Dong is all I get from you and some stupid photo of exclamation if I am on Facebook or Twitter but any SLAG who can FUCK about as a Public Sex Whore should really know what the fuck is meant to happen in their own sex lives and if you don't I will tell you but you won't let me will you? I am not convinced I know one Twitter account that I could actually say is yours and apart from this 'Official' Facebook account I don't really know for definite which accounts are yours and look at Katheryn Hudson Official you have not contacted me or replied once to me. Is there going to be a good reason for this such as the opportunity for us to pull off another $Million Dollar deal like we did cause you would not give me your proper address to write to BUTT YOU STATED UPS Recorded delivery to Direct and if I had used that method we would not have had my original designer ring stolen by Direct so luck played its part and LAST TIME WE DID THIS I KNOW WE EVEN TALKED BY PHONE and all I can remember was being happy and I am sure I was a drinker and I can't remember it all but it did happen but this time it’s different. KATY I AM fundamentally V happy you are a dreamboat, I will post this and continue after I have checked this is #‎YOU cause you may agree by Magic but I want to look at your profile as your photo changed over the weekend see you next post as I have not finished with you yet, I want to offer some compliments to a negative spin so far. I LOVE YOU.
There was only 1 slightly rude photo the rest all seem nice apart from those blokes who really don’t deserve to be in your gallery 'I DON'T THINK' Your past mistakes are better kept at home in private rather than on a public site where your new boyfriend is likely to land on after all you want John to love and cherish you and even at age 30 you must realize that some if not all men are jealous creatures especially if YOU treated your failures who let you down with such obvious affection and splashed so much dough their way even writing a love song with 1 who did you over for Taylor Swift and the other spastic you paid $6.75million for his house, flew him round the World in private jets & he repaid U with Homo Sexual SEX the week of your wedding at least 1 affair whilst married and after all you did repaid U by making U an Internationally renowned joke as the 1 that got dumped by Text he hated U so much at the end of a lightening fling, well I won't go on but think how the 1 that finally came with true love for U JOHN felt after 8 months U had put him thru emotional torture of an unbelievable scale & ignored him and made his life hell and throughout it all he forgave you every day and continued to offer U unconditional love & worked tirelessly without sleep to promote you & UR Empire & when he got U the gig of the century 2 put you on the undisputed Queen of POP trail after making U a Supermodel, A Charitable Queen offering to put cures to mankind's diseases Inc. Cancer in your name not his & make you the 'Saviour of planet Earth' & made U the joint ruler of the Universe and an Empress of many dimensions whether now or in the future John cured UR broken heart by healing U with kindness & love, knowledge & gave U the power 2 not only continue but to conquer in UR career & inspiration 2 becum the greatest entertainer ever & Exorcised 7 Demons from U. How do U repay JOHN? Well apart from Simulated #SexOnFire in front of 115 million family viewers with a Black Cock smaller than JOHNS as a heartfelt thank you 4 getting U the GIG when all U ever gave him in 6 months was a few poxy old fully clothed photos that winked at him keeping all UR #HotSexy photos and pure sex Gifs away from him 2 discover by himself when UR ignorance of his V existence led him 2 self-explore 4 kicks as U gave up on him telling him his cock did not feel right and no telepathy sex & even the 1 topless photo of yourself u made available for him you couldn't send by private message or as a selfie oh no it had to be delivered on a vile sex pest website downloadable by millions of men before he got to it horny photos kept away from him as you didn't even send him 1 Tweet or spend 2 minutes with him on Facebook unless U were trying 2 make him conduct Paedophilia with underage Gurls which once he refused U left him completely alone and U sent him endless photos of yourself in the arms of other men smiling at him with pure sex in UR eyes but not 4 him but others. Over many years of scheming U managed to write songs of illegal sex with strangers and even got Ur ex-Boyfriend to give him advice on how 2 treat U in a Dark Horse RAP then U never contacted him 2 offer any kind of explanation as 2 why the public press were reporting U as back with an Ex who had made U pregnant & refuse 2 ask 4 any retractions or damages from the gutter press who informed John of Ur SEXUAL shenanigans with other men. U made NO attempt 2 curb the mental cruelty inflicted by Ur Boss on a sustained campaign of unbelievable complexity & cunning all designed 2 hurt John as he admitted unashamedly of his love 4 U which was taken advantage of as a sign of vulnerability & weakness & then when John finally found an online friend to fill the vacuous space that Ur avoidance of John & his obvious well documented needs & 2 teach u a lesson that dalliances with your opposite sex would not be permitted i.e. Black Cock public simulated SEX would B repaid immediately with simulated imaginary sex with young pretty Blondes who sell more records than U do, is far richer & wins more awards than U do, is 12.5% younger than U is more fun and had already stolen 1 ex off U B4 U suddenly awoke from ignoring him and used your Black Magic Power to end his only Internet friendship which was purely business & payback 4 the crimes U yourself had committed FIRST. Throughout Johns ordeal he remained faithful whilst watching U have Orgasms in public over other men whilst U flirted and used social media 2 dally with young boy-band members 2 ensure max insecurities 4 thy man you professed to love unconditionally & after all that & more he buys you a $1 Million Dollar ring to please You WELL Katy Jesus says the least U could do is 2 communicate with him and take down the credulous amount of old photos of you with male losers and make sure he has a letter of credit to go & buy the BMW 8i Sports Car which is really for you so he can go enjoy himself for 1 morning of escapism from the torture U continue to ply him with which shows no sign of abating as your public displays of whore mongering continue right under his nose in Europe & offered him a meet n greet when he booked to cum and see u live and that was all u offered as U leave him a sexually frustrated emotional mess by design don't U think? OR HAVE I GOT U ALL WRONG??? Well you can explain UR side of the story can't U?? 💔👎😭😂😥😰😱😡😕  John does not deserve such treatment this lifetime  👼but an explanation would go some way to papering over the cracks in his love for u that u have made SO START COMMUNICATING PROPERLY YOU WHORE FROM HELL then enjoy your lives together and show him some proper respect and love. 'NO RULES JUST LOVE' I REMEMBER YOU ASSHOLE

Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson ‘KATY PERRY’ is a founding member of the VIRTUAL GLOBAL TASKFORCE INTERNATIONAL INTERNET WATCH KATY PERRY FOUNDATION  on Facebook which is run by Katheryn’s husband John Stephen Rumary who is also chief trustee of THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE FOUNDATION  who launched the taskforce seeking to root out Internet and social media dangers that Katy Perry Fans may otherwise face and is open to all fandoms in the notoriously dangerous territory of the Music Industry more so today than ever as MK Ultra Monarch Sex Kitten and Alice in Wonderland mind control programs are perfected no longer working upon human guinea pigs but are fully fledged covert programs of the CIA Illuminati NWO UN Freemasons and those Executives who know who they are from the very top of the Music Industry particularly from Hollywood which due to Katheryn’s husbands work as an undercover journalist will be exposed. ‘Surf safe with the VGT’ and anyone who wishes to help expose this then this a group for you.

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